Brandenburg, the federal state in the north-east of Germany with its vast landscapes and numerous lakes, also has a lot to offer employees.

The working world in Brandenburg is characterized by a variety of industries and occupational fields. Metal production and processing, plastics and chemicals, the food industry, optics and photonics as well as transport / mobility / logistics play a particularly important role.

In addition to the traditional sectors, innovative companies are also active in Brandenburg. There are many job opportunities in the field of renewable energies in particular, such as wind power and solar energy. Research and development in the technology sectors are also promoted in order to drive innovation and forward-looking ideas.

Working in Brandenburg not only means taking advantage of the many professional opportunities, but also enjoying the benefits of life in the countryside. Brandenburg offers a high quality of life with affordable living space, green oases and a decelerated pace of life. Here, professional challenges can be combined with a balanced private life.

Overall, working in Brandenburg offers many prospects and opportunities. Whether in traditional sectors or in future-oriented fields – the state offers attractive job opportunities for locals and newcomers alike.

If you are interested in a career in Brandenburg, find out about the various offers at the trade fair stands or visit the Brandenburg skilled workers portal. There you will find numerous job offers and information on the various career opportunities. The portal also offers information about working, education and living in the state of Brandenburg. Good luck with your search!

Your way to Brandenburg

How do I start my journey into the Brandenburg labour market? What visas do I need and where are my qualifications recognised? The easiest way is if you already have a job offer from an employer.

Test your options and do the quick check on “Make-it-in-Germany” – the federal government’s portal for the immigration of skilled workers to Germany.

Why Brandenburg?

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